Cookies Policy – Motorsport UK Scottish Rally Championship

Cookies Policy

This Cookies Policy describes the different types of cookies and similar technologies that may be applied on the Scottish Rally Championship web site. Scottish Rally Championship may change this Cookie Policy at any time.

The relevant domain is

A cookie is a small file which asks permission to be placed on your computer’s hard drive. Once you agree, the file is added and the cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual. The web application can tailor its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences.

Cookies may be set by the site you are visiting (‘first party cookies’) or they may be set by other sites who run content on the page you are viewing (‘third party cookies’).

We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Like many websites, our website use to track user interaction. We use this data to determine the number of people using our site, to better understand how they find and use our web pages and to see their journey through the website.

Although Statcounter records data such as your geographical location, device, internet browser and operating system, none of this information personally identifies you to us. Statcounter also records your computer’s IP address which could be used to personally identify you, but Statcounter do not grant us access to this. We consider Statcounter to be a third-party data processor.

Statcounter makes use of cookies, details of which can be found on Statcounter’s developer guides.

Disabling cookies on your internet browser will stop Statcounter from tracking any part of your visit to pages within our websites.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

To the extent any personal information is collected through cookies, the Scottish Rally Championship Privacy Policy applies and compliments this Cookie Policy. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you block our use of cookies, you may be unable to access particular areas of our site and certain functions and pages will not work in the usual way. Doing so may also affect our ability to update this site to cater for user preferences and improve its performance.

Further Information

You can find more information about cookies at: and